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Lottery 07 September 2022
The People Behind The Game
Lottery Demographics

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How many people bet on the lottery?
How many people buy lottery tickets? It turns out a staggering 70% of the UK's over 18s take part in the national lottery on a regular basis, which is close to 45 million people. (That's about the same amount of people that live in Ukraine.) On top of that at least 50% of the overall population do more than once a month, and on average they buy a minimum of 3 tickets each week.
January 6th, 1996 saw the very first double rollover in the United Kingdom, prompting a staggering 86% of the population of Britain to dash out to buy a ticket! In fact the lottery is so popular in the UK that even our dear old Queen has had a go, and banked £10 on the very first lotto draw. Leading to host of happy headline writers who could run with "One's Won" the following day.
Take a look at the infographic we've designed which goes into details on just who buys lottery lines and scratch-cards on both sides of the pond:
Note: these are statistics for the main draws, not for betting online with Lottoland using one of our betslips.
Lottery Demographics
The demographic of lottery participants is far broader than one might expect. For starters it is an even split between men and women, at least in the United Kingdom.
Of 18 to 25 year olds, roughly 1/6 of this age range do the lottery at least once a month. Between the ages of 25 and 34 around 1/3 buy a ticket, while half of over 35s partake in a lottery draw at some point during any given month. After researching some data and the most common features of winners, if you're a male called Barry, over the age of 60 and live in Thronton Heath, you are on average Britian's luckiest person.
Studies have also shown that if you are upper and middle class, you are less likely to partake in a lotto draw than someone who is working class. And finally… people on benefits are 4% more likely to buy a ticket than those who are not.
Please note that Lottoland is not a lottery operator and you are not buying a ticket with an applicable lottery. You must be 18 years of age or older to register and bet. Please see the Terms and Conditions.
Just under 1/4 of British citizens buy a scratchcard at least once a month, while over 50% buy one at least once in a calendar year. That shows that all of us like to scratch that itch, at least once in a while! When it comes to age groups, 55-64 year olds were the most likely to purchase a scratchcard, with 31% of that age range picking up at least one a month.
Here at Lottoland we offer a range of instant win scratchcards, with top prizes on offer going into the millions - quite a bit bigger than you will find on the card you pick up in your local shop!
What happens to winners after the lottery?
85% of lottery winners never reveal their identity, which means we are unable to account for a vast proportion of them. However, we do know that over 90% of winners continue to buy tickets even after they have won. And of those winners, 70% of them are convinced they will win again. What motivates the other 30% is unknown!
Here's a little bonus fact for you: Over 10,000 people use the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6 every week in the UK. What this means is that if these numbers were to be drawn, a jackpot of 5 million would pay each member just £500.
USA lottery statisticts
Interested to know how many people play the lottery in America? Well, 57% of the American population, 181 million people, buys at least one lottery ticket in a year. Unlike in the UK, American men are more likely than American women to pick up a ticket, especially if they don't live alone, as findings reveal single Americans spend less on the lottery than people with partners or families
In the states, 30-64 year olds are the demographic that purchases the most lottery tickets, while participants aged 50-64 spend the most per week, an average of £5.04. If you're 18-29, or over 65, you are statistically less likely to buy more than one ticket. Speaking of money, if your income is between £30,000 and £50,000 you are in the demographic of Americans that buys tickets for lotto draws the most often.
In the run up to the mega $1 billion (£839.2 million*) PowerBall draw, 1 and a half tickets were sold for every resident of the state of California. The draw was eventually won by Florida resident Gloria MacKenzie, making her the world-record holder for the largest single-ticket lottery jackpot win.
Lottery winner statisticts facts
Now for some winner facts! They say that a mans best friend is a dog, so it's no suprise that over a quarter of millionaires buy a dog after winning the lottery! Dogs aren't the only thing winners enjoy buying after the lottery, with the average millionaire buying 4.5 cars after falling into that windfall. Talk about a need for speed.
Another interesting fact about lottery winners is that many of them become broke. But not because of large expenditures on luxurious items for themselves, but actually from thier generosity! Hitting the lottery can affect your relationship with your loved ones and you may see that family and friends may become very interested in your money after hitting the jackpot. This is something all lottery winners need to keep in mind...
Studies have also found that 18% of lottery players changed their politcal affiliation after winning the lottery. Whilst 45% of people overall chose a more conservative party. Not only do their political belifs change when become a lottery winner but so do their health habits. As research has discovered that roughly 41% of winners start exercising multiple times per week and a whopping 68% of them stay away from cigarettes!
Last Updated: 07 September 2022
The lottery is so much more than a weekly draw, behind every game is a wealth of amazing stories and fascinating facts, and that's why I love it.